Weight Loss Pills are Dangerous


Women have internalized the slender ideal for years; it is based on the widespread but old-fashioned belief that the ideal female figure is one with a slim, feminine physique and little body fat. Many women go above and beyond to lose additional weight due to pressure to live up to this socially reinforced ideal, including undereating and over-exercising. While working for weight loss objectives is perfectly acceptable, it’s crucial to do so correctly. According to the American Heart Association, there are healthy strategies to lose weight, such as giving up mindless snacking in favor of a more scheduled eating schedule, engaging in regular exercise, and learning how to manage urges for less nourishing foods. Long-term benefits can be obtained by a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen.

However, for individuals seeking to lose weight quickly, lifestyle adjustments may seem to take forever to produce effects. Weight reduction pills, on the other hand, are a quick fix that can provide effects more rapidly and have long been the preferred approach to lose excess weight without having to adhere to a strict regimen or engage in strenuous exercise. Certain weight-loss medications have been shown to be effective, according to Lloyds Pharmacy. However, if these medications are administered incorrectly, they could harm your health. Before you grab for weight loss drugs, consider the following warnings.

There are several health risks associated with weight loss pills

There are many different kinds of weight loss drugs on the market, some of which have FDA approval and many of which do not. Dietician Brittany Lubeck explains to Byrdie that typical weight loss tablets work by interacting with various hormones to reduce hunger and hasten the feeling of being full. Weight loss drugs come with serious side effects and health risks since they prevent vitamin absorption. According to dietician Kristin Gillespie, doctors and dietitians rarely suggest taking weight-loss drugs unless the patient’s weight is seriously hurting their health and there are no other options.

High blood pressure, nausea, anxiety, bloating, diarrhea, and an increased risk of heart attacks are just a few of the dangerous side effects of appetite suppressants and metabolism boosters. Misuse of weight reduction medications can result in more severe side effects like strokes, paralysis, and even death. Not everyone should use these medications, and they shouldn’t be purchased or used carelessly. A 21-year-old student in the UK passed away in 2015 after accidentally taking too many diet pills that she had ordered online (via The Guardian). If you’re thinking about using weight reduction pills in your diet, speak with a medical practitioner for advice on which drugs and nutritional supplements might be ideal for your needs and medical issues. There are several strategies supported by research that are risk-free to attempt if you want to lose weight quickly.

How to quickly and safely lose weight

Many celebrities swear by intermittent fasting, a type of diet that entails recurring short-term fasts or food-restricted periods. You are only allowed to drink water and other calorie-free beverages throughout the fast. According to an analysis of 40 trials involving up to 334 participants conducted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, intermittent fasting was effective for promoting weight loss, with a mean loss of 7 to 11 pounds over a 10-week period.

A surgical procedure might be worth thinking about if you’ve been battling with obesity for at least six months and have tried numerous conventional treatments without success. Common bariatric surgical procedures include the duodenal switch surgery, adjustable gastric bands, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass (source: Penn Medicine). With bariatric surgery, your digestive system is changed to help you lose weight. Your body won’t be able to absorb all of the calories from the food you eat, which will cause you to feel satisfied sooner (per the Mayo Clinic). Only people with a body mass index of 40 or more should consider weight loss surgery.

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