Design By Humans


A print-on-demand store called Design by Humans allows artists to upload designs to be printed on t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other items.

Estimated Pay: NA

Fees and commissions: Not relevant (you earn a set price, based on the product sold)

Where: Nationwide

Eligibility: Uploading artwork that respects the rights of others to their trademarks and designs

Here is the website to the link

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I'm Ijoo, the author behind Virallit, an informational, entertainment, and educational blog site. With a passion for writing and a keen eye for interesting content, I strive to bring you the best of all worlds. Here at Virallit, I curate and create articles that embody the future of knowledge dissemination. From thought-provoking insights to captivating stories, each piece aims to engage, entertain, and educate readers. Join me on this exciting journey as we explore a wide range of topics, from trending news to scientific breakthroughs, ensuring you stay informed and entertained every step of the way. Welcome to Virallit, where the future of information lies!

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